CTP Plate For Industrial Printing
Time : 2024-07-31

CTP plate for industrial printing is a digital printing technology, which eliminates the traditional film plate making steps by outputting the digitized printing files directly to the printing plate, improving the printing efficiency and quality. CTP plate is usually used in the printing industry, such as magazines, books, advertisements, newspaper printing, packaging printing and other fields. In industrial printing, CTP plates can meet the high quality requirements of various printed materials, improve printing efficiency and reduce costs.

CTP plate for industrial printing

CTP plate for industrial printing usually include the following main types:

1. Thermal CTP printing plate: the image is formed through the thermal action of heat-sensitive materials, common thermal CTP plates are thermal coating printing plate and thermal resin printing plate.

2. Ultraviolet CTP printing plate: through the ultraviolet exposure to form images, common ultraviolet CTP printing plate has ultraviolet exposure printing plate and ultraviolet light-sensitive printing plate.

3. Heat-drying CTP plate: through the heat drying and curing of light-sensitive materials to form images, commonly used in color printing.

The characteristics of the CTP plate for industrial use:

- Digital workflow: CTP plate directly accepts the digital information output from the computer, eliminating the intermediate medium of film and simplifying the plate-making process.

- High precision: the imaging accuracy of CTP plate can reach a very high level, to meet the needs of high-precision printing.

- Flexibility: CTP plates can output a variety of formats and formats of printing plates, to adapt to the requirements of different printing machines.

- Environmental protection: CTP plate reduces the generation and emission of chemical waste liquid, which is more friendly to the environment.

The selection of CTP plate for industrial printing should be determined according to the specific printing equipment, printing requirements and printing materials. When using CTP printing plates, you need to pay attention to keep the plates clean and stored correctly to ensure the printing effect and printing quality.